DJ Hype - FantasyFM - The Future Is Ours - 1990 - Stussy_daz ReMaster.
Dont know why its taken me this long to do this as this is my all time Fave tape !
taken the tiny bit of hiss away and sorted channels
( this is near cd quality if i do say so myself ! )
01 Renegade Soundwave - Thunder
02 Direct - Techno Gone Mad
03 Meat Beat Manifesto - Radio Babylon
04 Meat Beat Manifesto - Helter Skelter
05 Bizarre Inc - X-Static
06 Mental Cube - Chile of the Bass Generation
07 Spectrum - Brazil
08 Ravebusters - Powerplant
09 Hypersonic - Dance Tones
10 Subject 13 - Eternity
11 Outrage - Too Much Energy
12 Shades Of Rhythm - Homicide
13 Hardnoise - Untitled (Acapella)
14 Hardnoise - Untitled
15 Project 86 - Industrial Bass
16 4 Hero - Mr Kirks Nightmare
17 Fantasy UFO - Fantasy
18 Brothers Grimm - Deja Vu
19 Kicksquad - Soundclash